Mark Postles

Mark has been around the chiropractic profession for a long time (and a good time). He has provided huge numbers of people with high quality lifestyle oriented care, operated a number of successful family focused subluxation based practices, coached and mentored...

Jessica Djalikian

Jess Djalikian grew up with Chiropractic since birth and as a natural progression decided to become a Chiropractor herself. She reluctantly studied 1 year of Biological science at Deakin University as her lack of chemistry skills became evident throughout VCE. From...

Jeffery Herbert

Dr. Jeffrey Herbert is a chiropractor of 33 years’ experience. Graduating from Palmer in 1985 he and his wife Dr Jean Laing immigrated to Australia on an opportunity. Upon arriving in Australia, he quickly recognized that the only way he was going to survive...

Craig Foote

Dr. Craig Foote is a chiropractor of 20 years’ experience. He is a co-founder of the Nervana Chiropractic Group and owns and operates his practice with his wife Cath in Perth Western Australia. An Award winner, he and his team have won service awards and in 2012 he...

Bruce Whittingham

After graduating in 1993 from the AECC in England, I worked in my family practice and had an early start to Chiropractic politics as one of the founders of the UCA. Since working in Australia since 2001, I have been involved with the V8 Supercars for over 10 years,...